Could we learn to love slugs and snails in our gardens?

Before you squash or poison the next slug or snail you see in your garden, consider this: The British Royal Horticultural Society no longer classifies these gastropods as pests. Why on earth would a leading gardening organization ...

Study confirms bats' value in combating crop pests

It's dusk in the countryside, and in the fading golden light a small, winged shape takes to the air over a local cornfield. Darting this way and that, the creature executes maneuvers far beyond what any modern fighter jet ...

How the birds and the bees help coffee plants

Sipping a coffee on your way to work is a ritual most people take for granted without thinking about how the delicious coffee beans reached their cup. You probably know it comes from tropical regions. But what is less well-known ...

Invertebrate Collections Help Solve Agricultural Problems

( -- Creepy, crawly spiders and bugs are just some of the unusual creatures in the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) invertebrate collections. While many find insects a nuisance, ARS scientists rely on these ...

Temperature alters population dynamics of common plant pests

Temperature-driven changes alter outbreak patterns of tea tortrix—an insect pest—and may shed light on how temperature influences whether insects emerge as cohesive cohorts or continuously, according to an international ...

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