The importance of crop genetic diversity

In North Carolina, the seventh most-productive blueberry state in the U.S., blueberries ripen between June and August. But North Carolina shoppers can buy blueberries throughout the year. That's because most people only eat ...

Denial of invasive species threat worries scientists

Scientists believe a new battlefront is opening in science denialism and this time the target is the science of invasive alien species and the fight to protect some of the world's rarest species and most unique ecosystems.

New resource to help manage the invasive spotted lanternfly

The invasive spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) was detected last year in Pennsylvania, but entomologists are already warning farmers and growers as far away as California to be prepared for its arrival. In fact, they ...

Horse owners can manage flies with wasps instead of pesticides

Horses need help when it comes to insect pests like flies. But, unfortunately, horse owners are in the dark about how best to manage flies because research just hasn't been done, according to a new overview of equine fly ...

When plants become space invaders

Declines in native biodiversity can open opportunities for imported species to not only grab a foothold in a new territory, but also to evolve into invasive pests.

Pests are easier to combat in habitats rich in species

A diverse and species-rich agricultural landscape is also beneficial to farmers. This isn't just because there are plenty of pollinating insects, creepy crawly pest controllers and other useful helpers. Scientists at the ...

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