College students and credit card debt—parents at fault?

Parents need to be good role models to help their children make sensible financial decisions, according to Adam Hancock and his team, from East Carolina University in the US. Their work highlights that parents who argue about ...

EU data protection reform to replace national laws

The European Union wants to replace a mishmash of national laws on data protection with one bloc-wide reform, updating laws put in place long before Facebook and other social networking sites even existed.

Many in US seek health information online: study

Four out of five Internet users have searched for health information online, but the Web is still no substitute for the doctor when it comes to a personal medical issue, said a US study Thursday.

The Free Software Foundation takes aim at Gmail

( -- The Free Software Foundation is at it again, promoting their laudable, if potentially unrealistic, goal to have all software released under a free software license. Their latest target for information freebies ...

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