What happens when high achievers retire?

When we think of retirement, we usually conjure images of silver-haired folks playing golf, going on long vacations or taking daytime naps as a reward for a lifetime of work.

Finding an online advertising compromise

How can the internet balance targeted advertising with privacy concerns? A novel approach to targeted advertising would allow companies to offer users relevant advertisements without having to expend energy tracking and data ...

Crime Victims' Institute investigates human trafficking

Human sex trafficking is a serious problem both domestically and internationally and enhanced education is necessary to address the risk factors for entry into the sex trade, the physical and mental health consequences of ...

Facebook rolls out 'privacy checkup'

Facebook on Thursday began rolling out its "privacy checkup" aimed at helping users of the huge social network better manage sharing their information and postings.

Google pays $7M fine to settle Wi-Fi privacy case (Update 2)

Google will pay a $7 million fine to settle a multistate investigation into a snoopy software program that enabled the Internet search leader to intercept emails, passwords and other sensitive information sent several years ...

WhatsApp messaging breached privacy laws

WhatsApp's mobile messaging service used by hundreds of millions of customers worldwide breached privacy laws in at least two countries, a joint Canadian-Dutch probe concluded Monday.

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