Internet giants to face tougher EU data law

Foreign firms operating in the EU, including those that dominate the Internet, will be subject to a new data protection law which is still being finalised, the EU Commission said Friday.

France serves notice to Mircosoft on data tracking

France on Wednesday said it had served formal notice on Microsoft to stop collecting what it deems excessive data and tracking browsing by users without their consent on civil liberty grounds.

After Google, Dutch privacy watchdog probes Facebook

A Dutch government-affiliated watchdog said Tuesday it is probing changes in Facebook's privacy policy, the latest skirmish in a wider fight over the commercial use of online personal data.

Is personal data safe at firms?

Making rules can be just as difficult as complying with them. Dutch researcher Marieke Thijssen investigated how well the Personal Data Protection Act (Dutch acronym Wbp) is harmonised with other rules that firms must comply ...

EU lawmakers agree air passenger data collection

European lawmakers approved Wednesday plans to collect EU passenger data, a measure sought by the United States after years of controversy over how to protect personal information while fighting terrorism and serious crime.

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