EU probes new Google privacy policy

The European Union's data protection authorities have asked Google to delay the rollout of its new privacy policy until they have verified that it doesn't break the bloc's data protection laws.

New tools in the battle against online data misuse

Advances in digital technology are challenging our concept of privacy. In today's world, huge volumes of data are being collected, shared and stored in unprecedented ways and at tremendous speeds. Everything we do with our ...

Facebook failing on privacy promises: campaign group

Facebook has failed to meet a deadline to improve its privacy policies that was set by the data commissioner in Ireland, home to it overseas headquarters, an Austrian advocacy group said on Tuesday.

EU lays down steps US must take to protect data

The EU on Wednesday laid down steps Washington must take to restore trust after a huge spying scandal, including giving EU citizens the right to US legal redress to protect personal data.

Facebook cooperating with New York probe: prosecutor

Facebook has begun to produce documents and wants to be "cooperative" with a New York investigation into the Cambridge Analytica data breach, state attorney general Eric Schneiderman said Thursday.

Open science is facing headwinds

Within the scientific community, the words "open science" have been on everyone's lips in recent years. Open science entails a great promise of a democracy of knowledge, and it is considered to be a universally good thing. ...

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