Inorganic perovskite absorbers for use in thin-film solar cells

A team at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin has succeeded in producing inorganic perovskite thin films at moderate temperatures using co-evaporation - making post-tempering at high temperatures unnecessary. The process makes it ...

Record efficiency for perovskite-based light-emitting diodes

Efficient near-infrared (NIR) light-emitting diodes of perovskite have been produced in a laboratory at Linköping University. The external quantum efficiency is 21.6 percent, which is a record. The results have been published ...

Brightening perovskite LEDs with photonic crystals

All inorganic cesium lead halide perovskite semiconductors exhibit great potential for nanolasers, light emitting diodes and solar cells due to their unique properties, including low threshold, high quantum efficiency and ...

From sea urchin skeleton to solar cell

Researchers at AMOLF have found a way of making calcium carbonate structures suitable for use in electronics. They do this by modifying the composition of the material so that it becomes a semiconductor without losing its ...

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