New electricity grids possible with computer simulations

Renewable energy requires new electricity grids, sometimes over entire continents, because 'green energy' is often generated in remote locations. A general problem in such networks is that, although electrically conductive ...

Would astronauts' kidneys survive a roundtrip to Mars?

The structure and function of the kidneys is altered by space flight, with galactic radiation causing permanent damage that would jeopardize any mission to Mars, according to a new study led by researchers from UCL.

Chevron says hit by Stuxnet virus in 2010

Oil giant Chevron was struck by the Stuxnet virus, a sophisticated cyber attack that tore through Iran's nuclear facilities and is believed to have been launched by the United States and Israel.

Putting sound waves to work to create safer public spaces

The risk of hearing loss does not come just from loud machinery or other obvious noise. It can also affect people in public environments like theaters and concert halls. Absorbing this excess sound to make public environments ...

Catalyst makes drugs inside the body to minimize side effects

A highly active catalyst capable of synthesizing drug molecules within the body has been developed by RIKEN chemists. In mice, an anticancer drug assembled near tumors using the injected catalyst suppressed tumor growth.

Gender equality dates back to the Vikings

The Scandinavian countries are regarded as models of equality between the sexes. A new study indicates that this may go back a very long way. Dr. Laura Maravall and Professor Jörg Baten, economic historians working as part ...

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