Balancing social missions with profitability

A study in the International Journal of Business Excellence has revealed how accountability in the performance of social village-owned enterprises (VOEs) is critical to their meeting both their social mission and achieving ...

Q&A: Is hopelessness a US public health crisis?

How can the world's wealthiest country be so poor in hope? It's a question that a University of Maryland economist is asking about the United States, where unprecedented levels of despair have manifested in a national mental ...

New research highlights importance of equity in education

A new study looks at the impact of learning environments on the academic success of racialized students. Compared to their peers, these students feel they have less control in their academic environment, less confidence and ...

Rating platforms drive sales at tourist-area NYC eateries

Ratings on platforms such as Yelp and TripAdvisor can greatly impact high-priced New York City restaurants that service tourists, but have less of an effect on restaurants frequented by "locals" outside of tourist areas, ...

An age gap in the C-suite makes companies more innovative

In order to innovate, companies have to play the long game. Cycles of R&D experimentation, iteration and market-testing require patience and a certain amount of risk-tolerance. For boards attempting to push an innovation ...

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