Why advertisers pay more to reach viewers who watch less

A new study finds that viewers' income and likelihood of buying a product are not the factors that determine how much it costs to reach them— it's how active they are on the platforms where the ads run.

Helping young people turn climate anxiety into climate action

Young people today are living with the existential threat of climate change. They are witnessing and experiencing record-breaking heat waves, devastating storms, and rising seas. Moreover, youth are watching the actions of ...

Power demand peaks in northern India heat wave

Searing heat wave temperatures in northern India pushed power demand to a record high, the government said Tuesday, with residents of the capital New Delhi also struggling with water shortages.

Illegal gold mining eats into Peruvian Amazon

On the banks of the Madre de Dios river, dredges work day and night in search of gold, part of a scourge of illegal mining that is slowly devouring the Peruvian Amazon.

Vitamin B6: New compound could delay degradation

A low vitamin B6 level has negative effects on brain performance. A research team from Würzburg University Medicine has now found a way to delay the degradation of the vitamin.

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