Corn-shaped seed pellets to boost habitat for monarchs, bees

Crop fields are low in biodiversity, but farmers may soon be part of the solution thanks to a Cornell innovation that allows growers to use corn or other crop seed planting machines to plant strips of milkweed or wildflowers ...

Plastic pellets blight Belgian town as EU weighs action

Buried in the soil, dotting riverbanks and bobbing along streams: a small Belgian town has waged a years-long fight against creeping pollution from plastic pellets—which the EU now has in its sights.

Microplastics: Shipwreck and beach as a real-world laboratory

There are over 5 billion plastic particles floating on the surface of our oceans—much to the detriment of the living organisms, the delicate underwater ecosystem, and even the climate. Until now, it was possible to determine ...

Mixing materials could lead to better biofuels

With the world coming to terms with the need to leave fossil fuels in the ground, renewable alternatives have never been more important. One such alternative is bioenergy coming from the burning of biomass. Now a new article ...

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Pellet are small particles typically created by compressing an original material. Specific items often termed 'pellet' include:

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