How journals shape science and academia

No matter whether you study medicine or biology, law or art, neuroscience or history—there is one instrument that we all share: the journal. Learned journals play a pivotal role in science and academia. Publishing in scholarly ...

Climate Questions: Who are the big emitters?

Who made the global warming mess the world is now in? More than half of the world's heat-trapping gases comes from three places: The United States, China and Europe.

Rewarding inventions and inventors

"Would Thomas Edison Receive Tenure?" This was the provocative title for a panel at the 2013 Annual Conference of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI), an organization founded in 2010 in partnership with the United States ...

Prominent researchers have an easier time getting work published

Research work by renowned researchers is rated significantly better than work by lesser-known researchers, despite the same quality. This was the conclusion reached by a team of researchers led by Jürgen Huber from the Department ...

Chemists warm up to preprint servers

Preprint servers—online sites that post scientific manuscripts for free, prior to peer review—are well-established in fields such as physics and biology. More recently, two chemistry preprint servers, ChemRxiv and ChemRN, ...

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