'Working rich' prevail among today's top earners

Many blame idle millionaires for the rise in income inequality, but today's top earners are actually the "working rich," according to a new working paper co-authored by Princeton University.

Chemists warm up to preprint servers

Preprint servers—online sites that post scientific manuscripts for free, prior to peer review—are well-established in fields such as physics and biology. More recently, two chemistry preprint servers, ChemRxiv and ChemRN, ...

How ideas go viral in academia

How ideas move through academia may depend on where those ideas come from—whether from big-name universities or less prestigious institutions—as much as their quality, a recent study from the University of Colorado Boulder ...

When to trust (and not to trust) peer reviewed science

The words "published in a peer reviewed journal" are sometimes considered as the gold standard in science. But any professional scientist will tell you that the fact an article has undergone peer review is a long way from ...

Preprints accelerated between Ebola and Zika epidemics

Preprints—scientific manuscripts that are posted at a recognized online repository before peer review—have the potential to speed up the reporting of scientific research in infectious disease outbreaks, argue Michael ...

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