New finds for Mars rover, seven years after landing

NASA's Curiosity rover has come a long way since touching down on Mars seven years ago. It has traveled a total of 13 miles (21 kilometers) and ascended 1,207 feet (368 meters) to its current location. Along the way, Curiosity ...

Evolution of Alpine landscape recorded by sedimentary rocks

Rock avalanches and torrents started to form V-shaped valleys in the Swiss Alps approximately 25 million years ago. This landscape contrasts to the flat and hilly scenery, which characterized the Alps a few millions of years ...

EPA allows mine company to pursue permits near Alaska bay

In a sharp reversal, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has cleared a way for the company seeking to develop a massive copper and gold deposit near the headwaters of a world-class salmon fishery in southwest Alaska ...

Broken pebbles offer clues to Paleolithic funeral rituals

Humans may have ritualistically "killed" objects to remove their symbolic power, some 5,000 years earlier than previously thought, a new international study of marine pebble tools from an Upper Paleolithic burial site in ...

Time runs out for smartwatch pioneer Pebble

Smartwatch pioneer Pebble announced Wednesday it was shutting down, with tech wearables giant Fitbit acquiring some of its assets including key personnel.

Will Pebble smartwatch be able to compete with Apple and Google?

Time's a ticking for Pebble. As the Palo Alto, Calif., smartwatch maker recently started sending the latest model of its phone-connected watches to those who helped fund its development, analysts cast doubt over its ability ...

Early Apple Watch reviews are mixed

The best wearable gadget available, but it still has a long way to go. That's the gist of early reviews for the Apple Watch, which goes on sale April 24.

Pebble smartwatch nears Kickstarter record

The latest version of the Pebble smartwatch neared a record funding amount on Kickstarter on Friday amid growing interest in wearable tech and ahead of the highly anticipated Apple Watch launch.

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