Stanford researchers say 'peak oil' concerns should ease

Fears of depleting the Earth's supply of oil are unwarranted, according to new research, which concludes that the demand for oil – as opposed to the supply – will reach its own peak and then decline.

Are some governments taking 'peak oil' seriously?

( -- One of the arguments that some bring up in defense of alternative energy is that of "peak oil." The idea behind peak oil is that, as a fossil fuel in limited supply, eventually we will reach a point where ...

Options for a new energy scenario

Even if the finite nature of the resource stocks is not the only factor that influences oil prices, speculation also plays a role in this process: peak oil, that is the point in time when oil production cannot be increased ...

Improved biofuels with new plant

A new pilot biomass processing plant at the University of Sydney gives researchers an opportunity to improve biofuel production, taking it a step closer to becoming a commercially viable, sustainable energy source.