Study suggests pawn loans compound the pain for many

Australia's pawnbroking industry is too lightly regulated, harming vulnerable consumers and leaving them in greater financial distress, according to new research by the University of Melbourne. The work is available in the ...

Study explores how risk tolerance changes around payday

People living in poverty often struggle from payday to payday. Those who receive government assistance, such as welfare or pensions, must manage scarce resources to make ends meet until the next payment. Researchers from ...

One-third of American households face troubles paying bills

One-third of American families have lost income since the beginning of shutdown triggered by the coronavirus pandemic, with such losses striking families from all economic groups, according to a new nationally representative ...

Advance pay service may reduce use of payday loans

Americans take out roughly $50 billion in payday loans a year, each racking up hundreds of dollars in fees and interest. But a small and growing service that allows its users to take an advance on their paycheck might be ...

Online loans likely to lead to the payday debt spiral

Resorting to the mobile phone for a quick injection of cash is on the rise as more online lenders join the market, a trend likely to lead more Australians into a spiral of debt, says QUT poverty researcher Professor Greg ...

Payday can be a killer, new study shows

( -- People are more likely to die on or shortly after they’re paid, according to a new study by University of Notre Dame economist William Evans.