Gut microbes' pathogen defense arsenal unveiled

A study conducted by researcher Juan Du's research group at the Karolinska Institutet sheds light on the capabilities of our gut microbes and their metabolites. The findings reveal potent inhibitory effects on the growth ...

Perseverant bacteria challenge antibacterial treatment

Bacterial perseverance is a new phenomenon that helps explain how bacteria adapt to survive antibiotic treatments. A group of researchers at Uppsala University have studied how individual bacteria react when exposed to different ...

Pockets of resistance found in survey of pathogen diversity

Unparalleled insights into the secret life of Streptococcus pneumoniae, the bacterium responsible for hundreds of thousands of infant deaths each year, have been revealed by new research from the Wellcome Sanger Institute, ...

Investigating a hospital superbug's resistance power

Treatment of severe infections caused by pathogenic bacteria relies on "last resort" antibiotics, but rising resistance by "superbugs" to most clinically approved drugs leaves patients exposed to possible fatalities.

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