Avian flu kills 3 California condors in northern Arizona

Three California condors have died from avian flu in northern Arizona and authorities are trying to determine what killed five others in the flock, the National Park Service announced Friday.

Avian influenza: Past, present, future

Due to the possibility that bird flu viruses could mutate and gain the ability to spread easily between people, avian influenza poses a significant pandemic threat to birds and humans alike. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control ...

US bird flu case puts chicken, turkey farms on high alert

Farms that raise turkeys and chickens for meat and eggs are on high alert and taking steps to increase biosecurity, fearing a repeat of a widespread bird flu outbreak in 2015 that killed 50 million birds across 15 states ...

Officials: Avian flu strain at Indiana farm hasn't spread

A strain of avian flu that can cause high mortality rates among birds hasn't spread to neighboring farms since it was confirmed at a commercial turkey farm in southern Indiana, state officials said Thursday.

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