Related topics: genes

New fish test for virus is nonlethal

( —Cornell researchers have successfully identified the presence of a deadly virus—the viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV)—by using techniques that are not lethal to fish.

Scientists zero in on endgame for nasty bacteria

Medications were once discovered by finding active ingredients in traditional remedies or by serendipitous discovery. A relatively new approach is to understand how disease and infection are controlled at the molecular level, ...

Bacterial brawls mark life in the gut's microbiome

Bacterially speaking, it gets very crowded in the human gut, with trillions of cells jostling for a position to carry out a host of specialized and often crucial tasks. A new Yale study, published the week of March 7 in the ...

Team uncovers new functions of mitochondrial fusion

A typical human cell contains hundreds of mitochondria—energy-producing organelles—that continually fuse and divide. Relatively little is known, however, about why mitochondria undergo this behavior.

The entwined destinies of mankind and leprosy bacteria

Leprosy still affects hundreds of thousands of people today throughout the entire world. An international team headed by EPFL professor Stewart Cole has traced the history of the disease from ancient Egypt to today and in ...

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