Turning up the heat on pathogenic bacteria

Pathogenic bacteria come alive at the metabolic level when they enter the warmth of the human gut, firing up genes that encode toxins and other compounds harmful to our bodies. A KAUST-led study shows how a critical bacterial ...

Addressing climate change in forests, container crops

Climate change poses a two-pronged threat to the timber industry in the southeastern United States. Droughts are expected to increase, and tree diseases could become more severe and more common.

'Diving board' sensors key to DNA detection

A tiny vibrating cantilever sensor could soon help doctors and field clinicians quickly detect harmful toxins, bacteria and even indicators of certain types of cancer from small samples of blood or urine. Researchers from ...

Ocean acidification linked to larval oyster failure

Researchers at Oregon State University have definitively linked an increase in ocean acidification to the collapse of oyster seed production at a commercial oyster hatchery in Oregon, where larval growth had declined to a ...

New antibiotic could make food safer and cows healthier

Food-borne diseases might soon have another warrior to contend with, thanks to a new molecule discovered by chemists at the University of Illinois. The new antibiotic, an analog of the widely used food preservative nisin, ...

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