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Google backs HTC in Apple patent suit

Google on Wednesday threw its backing behind HTC, maker of the Internet giant's Nexus One smartphone, after Apple accused the Taiwan company of infringing on iPhone patents.

Google violated copyright, but no damages: jury

A jury ruled Monday that Google violated copyrights owned by Oracle Corp. for the Android mobile platform, but failed to agree on whether damages should be awarded in the high-profile trial.

Google denied Nexus phone trademark: report

Google has been denied a trademark application for its Nexus One smartphone after the US Patent and Trademark Office said the name had been taken by a related product, a report said.

Google-Motorola deal highlights patent arms race

(AP) -- When an Internet company plunks down $12.5 billion to buy a struggling cellphone company for its collection of patents, it's another sign that, for the high-tech industry, patents have become a mallet wielded by corporations ...

LG seeks ban on Samsung tablet sales in Korea

South Korea's LG Display said on Friday it had asked a Seoul court to ban the domestic sale of Samsung's Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet computer, citing alleged patent infringements.

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