Quantifying microplastics in Swiss rivers and lakes

Every year, 14,000 tons of plastic end up in Swiss soils and waters, in part in the form of microplastics, which are particles in the micro to millimeter range. Microplastics come from many sources, such as cosmetics or synthetic ...

Scientists map changes in soot particles emitted from wildfires

Not many people would voluntarily fly through plumes of smoke emitted from wildfires. But atmospheric scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory do, over and over, tracing flight paths ...

NASA's Curiosity views first 'sun rays' on Mars

Martian sunsets are uniquely moody, but NASA's Curiosity rover captured one last month that stands out. As the sun descended over the horizon on Feb. 2, rays of light illuminated a bank of clouds. These "sun rays" are also ...

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