Protecting high-performance, superconducting magnets

Researchers at Berkeley Lab's Accelerator Technology & Applied Physics (ATAP) Division have developed a method for detecting and predicting the local loss of superconductivity in large-scale magnets that are capable of generating ...

A novel way to get to the excited states of exotic nuclei

An atomic nucleus assumes discrete energy levels when added energy excites that nucleus. These energy levels are the nucleus' unique fingerprint; no two nuclei have identical energy patterns. For exotic nuclei, which have ...

Attempting to catch dark matter in a basement

Few things carry the same aura of mystery as dark matter. The name itself radiates secrecy, suggesting something hidden in the shadows of the universe.

First synthesis of a compound with aromatic nitrogen rings

An international team with researchers from the University of Bayreuth presents a potentially groundbreaking discovery for nitrogen chemistry in Nature Chemistry: For the first time, a compound containing aromatic rings of ...

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