Haumea dwarf planet has a ring to it: study

Move over Saturn! Scientists have found a ring around an unassuming mini-planet in our Solar System to debunk the theory that only giant planets can be so adorned.

HD 30963 is a chemically peculiar star, study finds

(Phys.org)—New research conducted by a team of astronomers from the Paris Observatory in Meudon, France and the Notre Dame University – Louaize in Zouk Mosbeh, Lebanon, reveals that a B-type main-sequence star designated ...

'Ring of fire' eclipse for African stargazers

Stargazers in south and central Africa will be treated to a spectacular solar eclipse Thursday when the Moon wanders into view to make the Sun appear as a "ring of fire", astronomers say.

Understanding the oscillations of magnetic white dwarfs

Researchers at the Paris-Saclay "Astrophysics, Instrumentation, Modelling" laboratory (AIM – CNRS/CEA/Université Paris Diderot), of the CEA's Military Applications Division (DAM) and from the Universe and Theories Laboratory ...

'Optical clock' yields split-second success

Physicists said Tuesday that a so-called optical lattice clock, touted by some as the time-measuring device of the future, had passed a key accuracy test.

A naked-eye comet invites itself to the March sky, 2013

It will appear in the West at sunset, from around the 8th to the 13th of March 2013, and will be visible to the naked eye up to the end of the month. Comet Pan-Starrs C/2011 L4 will traverse Cetus, Pisces, Pegasus and Andromeda. ...

Venus caught transiting the Sun

The very rare astronomical event of Venus, the nearest planet to Earth, passing in front of the solar disk on June 5th and 6th, 2012, was captured by an international team headed by Jay Pasachoff (Williams College and Caltech) ...

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