Related topics: children · adolescents · babies · teens · offspring

Using harsh verbal discipline with teens found to be harmful

Many American parents yell or shout at their teenagers. A new longitudinal study has found that using such harsh verbal discipline in early adolescence can be harmful to teens later. Instead of minimizing teens' problematic ...

Google buys virtual imaging patents from Foxconn

Google has bought virtual imaging patents from Taiwanese supplier Foxconn that could be used in its interactive "Google Glass" devices, according to a document acquired by AFP on Saturday.

Ancient cycads found to be pre-adapted to grow in groves

The ancient cycad lineage has been around since before the age of the dinosaurs. More recently, cycads also co-existed with large herbivorous mammals, such as the ice age megafauna that only went extinct a few tens of thousands ...

Free-floating planets may be born free

Tiny, round, cold clouds in space have all the right characteristics to form planets with no parent star. New observations, made with Chalmers University of Technology telescopes, show that not all free-floating planets were ...

Chandra sees eclipsing planet in X-rays for first time

For the first time since exoplanets, or planets around stars other than the sun, were discovered almost 20 years ago, X-ray observations have detected an exoplanet passing in front of its parent star.

Airborne gut action primes wild chili pepper seeds

Scientists have long known that seeds gobbled by birds and dispersed across the landscape tend to fare better than those that fall near parent plants where seed-hungry predators and pathogens are more concentrated.

Sunny super-Earth?

( —Researchers from NAOJ and the University of Tokyo have observed the atmosphere of super-Earth "GJ3470b" in Cancer for the first time in the world using two telescopes at OAO (Okayama Astrophysical Observatory, ...

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