Related topics: stars ยท planets

Brown Dwarf Found Orbiting a Young Sun-Like Star

( -- Astronomers have imaged a very young brown dwarf, or failed star, in a tight orbit around a young nearby sun-like star. The discovery is expected to shed light on the early stages of solar system formation.

Superhot Planet Likely Possesses Comet-like Tail

( -- As if the debate over what is and what is not a planet hasn't gotten confusing enough, Hubble Space Telescope astronomers have now confirmed the existence of a tortured, baked object that could be called ...

Plentiful and Potential Planets

Two planet-hunting telescopes - CoRoT and Kepler - are keeping astronomers hard at work cataloging far-distant planets that orbit other stars in our galaxy. The search for distant planets is essential for astrobiologists ...

Exoplanet caught on the move (w/ Video)

( -- Only 12 million years old, or less than three-thousandths of the age of the Sun, Beta Pictoris is 75% more massive than our parent star. It is located about 60 light-years away towards the constellation of ...

Out of Whack Planetary System Offers Clues to a Disturbed Past

( -- Astronomers are reporting today the discovery of a planetary system way out of tilt, where the orbits of two planets are at a steep angle to each other. This surprising finding will impact theories of how ...

Turning Planetary Theory Upside Down (w/ Video)

( -- The discovery of nine new transiting exoplanets is announced today at the RAS National Astronomy Meeting. When these new results were combined with earlier observations of transiting exoplanets astronomers ...

Astronomers spot second smallest exoplanet

( -- Astronomers from the California Institute of Technology and other institutions, using the highly sensitive 10-meter Keck I telescope atop Hawaii's Mauna Kea, have detected an extrasolar planet with a mass ...

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