Moths cloaked in color

Travelers to the neotropics -- the tropical lands of the Americas -- might be forgiven for thinking that all of the colorful insects flittering over sunny puddles or among dense forest understory are butterflies. In fact, ...

Is the 'fine-tuned universe' an illusion?

For decades physicists have been perplexed about why our cosmos appears to have been precisely tuned to foster intelligent life. It is widely thought that if the values of certain physical parameters, such as the masses ...

Satcom to foster resilient digital systems

Telecommunications are becoming increasingly crucial to our society, economy and security. ESA is supporting the European satellite communication industry's efforts to identify how to meet future worldwide demands for more ...

TSU physicists are investigating the effects of radiation on DNA

Scientists from TSU's Laboratory of Experimental High Energy Physics and their colleagues from the University of Bordeaux are studying new ways of modeling the effects of low doses of radiation at the cellular level. For ...

TACC builds seamless software for scientific innovation

Big, impactful science requires a whole technological ecosystem to progress. This includes cutting-edge computing systems, high-capacity storage, high-speed networks, power, cooling... the list goes on and on.

High-performance computing methods focus of new text

From your smartphone to your laptop, today's tech devices glean their computing power from multi-core processors. Supercomputers contain thousands of cores, and within three to four years a computer with 100 million cores—and ...

An intelligent digital assistant will lead to smarter programming

IBM's Watson and Apple's Siri are two examples of computing systems that help us analyse information and find answers. Scientists at Linnaeus University have developed a system that similarly helps programmers create program ...

A research project helps reduce the cost of parallel computing

Heterogeneous parallel computing combines various processing elements with different characteristics that share a single memory system. Normally multiple cores (like the 'multicores' in some smart phones or personal computers) ...

Revealing the "Secrets of the Universe" in IMAX theaters

A unique IMAX 3D experience that seeks to answer the most essential questions about the universe is just few steps away from being released with an ambitious intention to inspire the inner scientist in every one of us. The ...

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