High-performance computing methods focus of new text

From your smartphone to your laptop, today's tech devices glean their computing power from multi-core processors. Supercomputers contain thousands of cores, and within three to four years a computer with 100 million cores—and ...

Saguaro and other towering cacti have a scrambled history

Visitors to Mexico and the U.S. Southwest can't help but stand in awe of the solitary and majestic saguaro, the towering clusters of the organ pipe cactus and Baja's cardón, the appropriately named "elephant" cactus. The ...

An intelligent digital assistant will lead to smarter programming

IBM's Watson and Apple's Siri are two examples of computing systems that help us analyse information and find answers. Scientists at Linnaeus University have developed a system that similarly helps programmers create program ...

New system greatly speeds common parallel-computing algorithms

The chips in most modern desktop computers have four "cores," or processing units, which can run different computational tasks in parallel. But the chips of the future could have dozens or even hundreds of cores, and taking ...

How this Martian moon became the 'Death Star'

Mars' largest moon, Phobos, has captured public imagination and been shrouded in mystery for decades. But numerical simulations recently conducted at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) have shed some light on the ...

A research project helps reduce the cost of parallel computing

Heterogeneous parallel computing combines various processing elements with different characteristics that share a single memory system. Normally multiple cores (like the 'multicores' in some smart phones or personal computers) ...

Evolutionary split up without geographic barriers

A fundamental question in evolutionary research is: is a geographic barrier dividing the original population into two genetically separated populations required for the origin of new species? Or is so-called sympatric speciation ...

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