NASA image: Fires in Northern Sumatra

Fires dot the coast of Northern Sumatra, Indonesia, in this Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite image collected on February 06, 2014. The MODIS instrument is aboard the Terra satellite and actively ...

Can Indonesia's notorious deforesters turn over a new leaf?

When I first went to central Sumatra more than 30 years ago, forest blanketed most of the landscape. This was a breathtaking place – an Eden home to elephants, rhinos, tigers and orang-utans. Heading upstream, long stretches ...

Indonesian farmers take legal action over haze

Indonesian farmers in a province at the centre of Southeast Asia's worst smog outbreak for years have filed a lawsuit against the president in response to the haze crisis, activists said Wednesday.

Reducing negative impacts of palm oil plantations

Harmful environmental and social impacts of palm oil plantations in the developing world could be minimised by buffer zones around towns and villages; protection of areas with high ecosystem value and effective consultation ...

Palm oil companies behind Singapore smog, Greenpeace says

Forest fires in Indonesia, which have cloaked Singapore in record-breaking smog, are raging on palm oil plantations owned by Indonesian, Malaysian and Singaporean companies, environmental group Greenpeace said Saturday.

Indonesia to use rain-making technology to stop fires

Indonesia plans to use weather changing technology to try to unleash torrents of rain and extinguish raging fires on Sumatra island that have cloaked neighbouring Singapore in thick haze, an official said Wednesday.

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