Great apes facing 'direct threat' from palm oil farming

The destruction of rainforests in Southeast Asia and increasingly in Africa to make way for palm oil cultivation is a "direct threat" to the survival of great apes such as the orangutan, environmentalists warned Thursday.

Oil palm plantations threaten water quality, scientists say

If you've gone grocery shopping lately, you've probably bought palm oil. Found in thousands of products, from peanut butter and packaged bread to shampoo and shaving cream, palm oil is a booming multibillion-dollar industry. ...

Indonesian team hunts firebugs in haze-hit province

An Indonesian province hit by a haze outbreak has formed a team of more than 500 to hunt down people who started forest fires after the president demanded action, a report said Monday.

Tree-dwelling orangutans on ground

When researchers in Borneo set up camera traps to monitor tropical mammals on the ground, they didn't expect to be photobombed by orangutans.

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