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Researchers block morphine's itchy side effect

Itching is one of the most prevalent side effects of powerful, pain-killing drugs like morphine, oxycodone and other opioids. The opiate-associated itch is so common that even women who get epidurals for labor pain often ...

Research offers new way to target shape-shifting proteins

( -- A molecule which can stop the formation of long protein strands, known as amyloid fibrils, that cause joint pain in kidney dialysis patients has been identified by researchers at the University of Leeds.

Scientists sequence DNA of cancer-resistant rodent

Scientists at the University of Liverpool, in partnership with The Genome Analysis Centre, Norwich, have generated the first whole-genome sequencing data of the naked mole-rat, a rodent that is resistant to cancer and lives ...

Back ache has been a pain for millions of years

( -- Research by a Cambridge archaeologist shows that back pain caused untold misery long before we started staring into screens and slumping on sofas.

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