Air bubbles could be the secret to artificial skin

( —Using foam substrates, EPFL scientists were able to make a flexible electronic circuit board. This discovery could lead to the creation of deformable and stretchable circuits.

Nations agree to phase out toxic chemical HBCD

Governments have agreed to phase out the use of the toxic chemical HBCD, and restrict trade in four other dangerous substances, the head of the UN's anti-pollution division said Friday.

Asian Long-Horned Beetle eradicated from Canada

Canada has eradicated the destructive Asian Long-Horned Beetle first detected in the Toronto area a decade ago after hitching a ride across the Pacific in wood packaging materials.

Food nets vanishing without a trace

Scientists are creating compostable versions food nets to be used with compostable products to ensure that, at the end of their life, they serve the purpose of helping to grow food, thus closing their life cycle loop.

Super-microbes engineered to solve world environmental problems

Environmental problems, such as depleting natural resources, highlight the need to establish a renewable chemical industry. Metabolic engineering enhances the production of chemicals made by microbes in so-called "cell factories". ...

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