Related topics: cancer cells

Advances reported in quest for drugs targeting childhood cancer

Investigators believe they have identified the founding member of a chemical family they hope will lead to a new class of cancer drugs, the first designed specifically against a childhood tumor, according to research led ...

Toward new drugs that turn genes on and off

Scientists in Michigan and California are reporting an advance toward development of a new generation of drugs that treat disease by orchestrating how genes in the body produce proteins involved in arthritis, cancer and a ...

Biosensor to detect tumors at early stages

Before a malignant tumor develops, the immune system tries to fight against its altered proteins by producing certain cancer antibodies. A biosensor developed by scientists from the Complutense University of Madrid is able ...

Cancer is a p53 protein aggregation disease

Protein aggregation, generally associated with Alzheimer's and mad cow disease, turns out to play a significant role in cancer. In a paper published in Nature Chemical Biology, Frederic Rousseau and Joost Schymkowitz of VIB, ...

Eggs' quality control mechanism explained

To protect the health of future generations, body keeps a careful watch on its precious and limited supply of eggs. That's done through a key quality control process in oocytes (the immature eggs), which ensures elimination ...

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