Underwater defense: New ways to protect divers in the deep

Special Operations divers like Navy SEALs take on life-threatening risks such as enemy combatants and harsh environments. But another hazard is silent and unseen—oxygen toxicity, the result of breathing lethal levels of ...

Photosynthesis gene can help crops grow in adverse conditions

A gene that helps plants to remain healthy during times of stress has been identified by researchers at Oxford University. Its presence helps plants to tolerate environmental pressures like drought—and it could help create ...

'Cowcatcher' enzyme fixes single-strand DNA

Every time one of your cells divides, it exposes its most essential component to great danger: its genome, the sum total of all its genetic information, embodied in the double-stranded helix of DNA. Prior to cell division, ...

Worm sugarcoats bacterial toxins to stave off death

(Phys.org)—Pathogenic bacteria kill their animal or plant hosts through the production of toxic molecules. But how do animals and plants defend themselves against these toxins? Researchers from the Boyce Thompson Institute ...

Unraveling plant reactions to injury

Better understanding of plant defense systems, and the potential to generate stress-tolerant plants and even new malaria drugs, may all stem from the documentation of a molecular mechanism that plays a significant role in ...

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