Whiter teeth, without the burn

Most people would like to flash a smile of pearly whites, but over time teeth can become stained by foods, beverages and some medications. Unfortunately, the high levels of hydrogen peroxide in dentists' bleaching treatments ...

Chemistry in mold reveals important clue for pharmaceuticals

In a discovery that holds promise for future drug development, scientists have detected for the first time how nature performs an impressive trick to produce key chemicals similar to those in drugs that fight malaria, bacterial ...

Toward a systems biology map of iron metabolism

Scientists at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine, the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom, and the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute at Virginia Tech have taken the first steps toward constructing a ...

Salt-tolerant herb rich in antioxidant compounds

Epidemiological studies have emphasised the importance of eating foods high in antioxidants to reduce the risk of developing cancer and cardiovascular disease, two leading causes of death worldwide. Inside the body, antioxidants ...

Green hydrogen production using algal proteins

We are increasingly thinking about hydrogen as a successor of crude oil—for instance, through the use of hydrogen fuel cells. But where will the hydrogen come from? Industrial or domestic bioreactors using green algae could ...

Cellular metabolism self-adapts to protect against free radicals

Oxygen-consuming organisms obtain energy through cellular respiration, which is the transformation of carbohydrates and oxygen into carbon dioxide and water. This process also produces toxic oxygen radicals which must be ...

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