Repeated sexual failures cause social stress in fruit flies

Repeated failures to reproduce make fruit flies stressed and frustrated, which in turn makes them less resilient to other types of stress, Julia Ryvkin at Bar-Ilan University and colleagues report in PLOS Genetics.

Understanding the effect of catalyst spin state on reaction

From a spin state perspective, metal complex catalysts are classified into two types: closed-shell catalysts (lacking unpaired electrons, typically based on noble metals like palladium) and open-shell catalysts (with unpaired ...

Unraveling the complexity of melon-pumpkin graft collapse

Grafting melon (Cucumis melon L.) onto pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima Duch. × Cucurbita moschata Duch.) rootstock is a method of improving yield but is challenged by the scion-rootstock incompatibility leading to plant collapse ...

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