Is environmentalism in our genes?

As global environmental crises mount, numerous policies have been proposed with an eye toward a more sustainable future. However, such recommendations have often gone unheeded, falling by the wayside for lack of public support.

Empowering communities through local monitoring

Over recent decades, community-based environmental monitoring (often called "citizen science") has exploded in popularity, aided both by smartphones and rapid gains in computing power that make the analysis of large data ...

Selfie culture: What your choice of camera angle says about you

Over the past decade, selfies have become a mainstay of popular culture. If the #selfie hashtag first appeared in 2004, it was the release of the iPhone 4 in 2010 that saw the pictures go viral. Three years later, the Oxford ...

New cells identified that repair tissue

Researchers at Oxford University have discovered that a newly discovered group of cells can help repair tissues in the body.

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