E.T.s may be headed toward Earth, but are we ready for them?

Twenty years from now we might get a call from aliens. In 2017, a powerful radio transmission was aimed at exoplanet GJ 273b, thought to be able to support life. Its message, sent by the alien-hunting group Messaging Extraterrestrial ...

Metal Becomes Transparent Under High Pressure

An international team of scientists have discovered a transparent form of the element sodium (Na). The team, led by Artem Oganov, Professor of Theoretical Crystallography at Stony Brook University, and Yanming Ma, the lead ...

Scientists discover planetary system orbiting Kepler-47

News flash: The Milky Way galaxy just got a little weirder. Back in 2011 astronomers were amazed when NASA's Kepler spacecraft discovered a planet orbiting a double star system.  Such a world, they realized, would have double ...

'Star Trek' actor Shatner sends message to Voyager

NASA announced the winner Tuesday of a contest to send a message to the Voyager spacecraft which launched 40 years ago on a historic mission to explore the outer planets.

Water Planets

Of the roughly 420 extra-solar planets now known, about a dozen are in the newly named category of "super-earths," planets whose masses are in between of two and about fifteen earth-masses.

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