Analysis knocks down theory on origin of cell structure

( -- Understanding how living cells originated and evolved into their present forms remains a fundamental research area in biology, one boosted in recent years by the introduction of new tools for genomic analysis. ...

HIV hijacks surface molecule to invade cell

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health have discovered a key step in the process that HIV uses to inject its genetic material into cells. Working with cultures of cells and tissues, the researchers prevented the ...

Storming the castle: New discovery in the fight against bacteria

Bacteria must sense and respond to changes in their environment to survive, and their exterior membranes are their first line of defense. Exciting new research reveals a previously unappreciated aspect of this defense, which ...

Machine learning model uncovers new drug design opportunities

Pathogens are nothing if not adaptable, and their ability to protect themselves against antibiotics increasingly poses a public health concern. A research team led by Los Alamos National Laboratory has used machine learning, ...

Chemists unveil the structure of an influenza B protein

A team of MIT chemists has discovered the structure of a key influenza protein, a finding that could help researchers design drugs that block the protein and prevent the virus from spreading.

Researchers take important step toward gonorrhea vaccine

Researchers are paving the way toward a new therapeutic approach for gonorrhea by shedding light on the mechanism behind important proteins on the Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacteria's outer membrane.

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