First early human fossil found in Africa makes debut

Just over 90 years ago a discovery was made that started a fascinating journey exploring human evolution in Africa. The Broken Hill skull was the first early human fossil to be found in Africa and evidence suggests it probably ...

Dating encounters between modern humans and Neandertals

To discover why Neandertals are most closely related to people outside Africa, Harvard and Max Planck Institute scientists have estimated the date when Neandertals and modern Europeans last shared ancestors. The research, ...

New theory on African exit

Modern humans left Africa twice as early as previously thought, spreading in a number of climate-driven waves, new research suggests.

Were ancient human migrations two-way streets?

The worldwide spread of ancient humans has long been depicted as flowing out of Africa, but tantalizing new evidence suggests it may have been a two-way street.

Dating of beads sets new timeline for early humans

( —An international team of researchers led by Oxford University has new dating evidence indicating when the earliest fully modern humans arrived in the Near East, the region known as the Middle East today.

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