Research: Business should embrace 'boomerang employees'

The return of LeBron James to the Cleveland Cavaliers may have riveted the sports world and social media, but the phenomenon of "going home," whether to a geographic location or a former job, is not unique to professional ...

Cultural research may be misleading

Making assumptions about culture based on existing research that scores countries according to various dimensions may be a flawed process, according to two academics from The University of Queensland Business School.

How anti-Asian racism manifested at work in the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic challenged any notion that Asian Americans are a privileged, white-adjacent group skirting above racism. To more fully understand how COVID-19 affected the racial dynamics experienced by Asian professionals ...

Physical activity among office workers in Japan

Sufficient physical activity is vital to staying healthy. But for office workers whose job means spending most of the day at their desks, staying active is difficult. Researchers in Japan shed light on how office workers ...

When several lines are better than one

Everyone knows the existential dread that comes along with standing in line for what seems like an eternity. But new research by Wharton operations, information and decisions professor Hummy Song, Guillaume Roels from INSEAD ...

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