Study confirms the importance of informal learning in hospitals

The coronavirus crisis has shaken the structure of the Spanish healthcare system, leaving staff backed into a corner in their fight to beat the infection. However, doctors, nurses and other hospital and healthcare workers ...

New Workplace Barometer measures mental health of employees

A wide survey of New Zealand workplaces by researchers from Massey University's Healthy Work Group has found more than one-quarter of employees feel depressed much of the time and half of workers say their lives are impacted ...

Study probes gender pay gaps in US federal science agencies

Men make more than women at seven U.S. federal science agencies, but the reasons for these gender-based pay gaps differ by organization, according to new research involving Kaye Husbands Fealing of the Georgia Institute of ...

Study shows female managers don't mean higher pay for women

A new paper in the European Sociological Review indicates that women's and men's earnings are not affected by the share of female managers in an organization, nor by the sex of workers' individual managers.

Is teacher burnout contagious?

Burnout among young teachers appears to be contagious, indicates a new study led by Michigan State University education scholars.

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