Polymer power potential

The mantra 'reduce, reuse, recycle' is increasingly pertinent. Every year, vast amounts of energy that could be captured and reused are lost through waste heat. Now, A*STAR scientists have demonstrated, through theoretical ...

A novel material for transparent and flexible displays

The next generation of flexible and transparent displays will require a high-performing and flexible polymeric material that has the optical and thermal properties of glass. The material must be transparent to visible light ...

New light shed on intensely studied material

The organic polymer PEDOT is one of the world's most intensely studied materials. Despite this, researchers at Linköping University have now demonstrated that the material functions in a completely different manner than ...

Scientists develop promising new type of polymer

Organic polymers are used in solar cells, sensors, LEDs and in many other devices. One specific type of polymer, S-PPV, was previously regarded as promising in theory, but almost impossible to produce from a technical perspective. ...

Controlling the crystal size of organic semiconductors

Recently, solution-processable organic semiconductors are being highlighted for their potential application in printed electronics, becoming a feasible technique to fabricate large-area flexible thin film at a low cost. The ...

Researchers achieve unprecedented control of polymer grids

Synthetic polymers are ubiquitous—nylon, polyester, Teflon and epoxy, to name just a few—and these polymers are all long, linear structures that tangle into imprecise structures. Chemists have long dreamed of making polymers ...

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