Dutch unveil giant vacuum to clean outside air

Dutch inventors Tuesday unveiled what they called the world's first giant outside air vacuum cleaner—a large purifying system intended to filter out toxic tiny particles from the atmosphere surrounding the machine.

What you need to know about soil to keep your garden healthy

As the weather warms and days lengthen, your attention may be turning to that forgotten patch of your backyard. This week we've asked our experts to share the science behind gardening. So grab a trowel and your green thumbs, ...

Beware the air we breathe

Health-damaging atmospheric pollutants, which the World Health Organization warned Tuesday affected nine out of every 10 people, originate mainly from industry, heating and transport.

Nanoparticles that speed blood clotting may someday save lives

Whether severe trauma occurs on the battlefield or the highway, saving lives often comes down to stopping the bleeding as quickly as possible. Many methods for controlling external bleeding exist, but at this point, only ...

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