Spectroscopy and theory shed light on excitons in semiconductors

From solar panels on our roofs to the new OLED TV screens, many everyday electronic devices simply wouldn't work without the interaction between light and the materials that make up semiconductors. A new category of semiconductors ...

Astronomers propose a 50-meter submillimeter telescope

Some parts of the universe only reveal important details when observed in radio waves. That explains why we have ALMA, the Atacama Large Millimeter–submillimeter Array, a collection of 7-meter and 12-meter radio telescopes ...

Nordic microalgae: Potential superstars in the green transition

The carbon dioxide emissions of the growing human population have a massive impact on the climate. While many are seeking solutions, researchers in UmeĂĄ, Sweden, might have found one right in front of their houses: Nordic ...

Using light to precisely control single-molecule devices

In a new Nature Communications study, Columbia Engineering researchers report that they have built highly conductive, tunable single-molecule devices in which the molecule is attached to leads by using direct metal-metal ...

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