Related topics: climate change · carbon · soil · organic material

Nano-sized carbon material could be used to treat Down syndrome

Scientists at the Texas A&M University Health Science Center (Texas A&M Health) have discovered that a nano-sized carbon material derived from the oxidation of carbon-rich sources could be used to treat Down syndrome and ...

Animals in ocean's twilight zone thrive on upcycled nutrients

Living at the edge of darkness, the community of microbes and tiny animals in the ocean's twilight zone upcycle nutrients to ensure their survival. A study led by researchers at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa revealed ...

Researchers cultivate microalgae for biofuel production

A group of researchers at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in Brazil have grown microalgae under controlled conditions in a laboratory in order to use their metabolites, especially lipids, with the prime purpose ...

New study shows how Chicago pollution varies by neighborhood

If you live along one of the major interstate highways running through Chicago or directly next to Lake Michigan, you are regularly exposed to more air pollution than the rest of the city, a new Northwestern University study ...

Novel air filter captures wide variety of pollutants

An air filter made out of corn protein instead of petroleum products can concurrently capture small particulates as well as toxic chemicals like formaldehyde that current air filters can't.

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