Can we feed billions without wrecking the planet?

We are now producing more food more efficiently than ever, and there is plenty to go around for a human population of 7 billion. But it is coming at a drastic cost in environmental degradation, and the bounty is not reaching ...

How plants respond to heat stress

Plants, like other organisms, can be severely affected by heat stress. To increase their chances of survival, they activate the heat shock response, a molecular pathway also employed by human and animal cells for stress protection. ...

Sustainable farming: There's no one solution

Sustainable agriculture will not be achieved by one universal solution. A meta-analysis by the University of Basel shows that the current focus on no-till farming does not achieve the desired results. A sustainable system ...

Land use changes produce threat to and opportunity for bumblebees

Bumblebees largely contribute to the pollination of crops. However, they are threatened by land use changes due to climate change. Long-term simulations made by researchers of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and partners ...

Organic foods not always free from pesticides

As consumers, we've been conditioned to believe that organic foods are free from hormones and pesticides. Walk into any supermarket, you will find fresh produce, canned foods, poultry, and even personal hygiene products labelled ...

Is carbon the 'crop' of the future?

An increasing awareness and concern about the environment, changes in government policy, America's re-entry into the Paris Agreement and a robust demand for carbon offsets all point toward an appetite for a different type ...

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