Google to set up $82M fund for French publishers

Google will help French news organizations increase their online advertising revenue and also set up a €60 million ($82 million) fund to finance digital publishing innovation, settling a dispute over whether the Internet ...

Climate change threatens permafrost in soil

In the coming century, permafrost in polar regions and alpine forests in the Northern Hemisphere may thaw rapidly, potentially releasing carbon and nitrogen that could cause additional regional warming. Permafrost occurs ...

Microbiologists can now measure extremely slow life

Microbiologists at Aarhus University (Denmark) have developed a new method for measuring the very slow metabolism of bacteria deep down in the seabed. The results can provide knowledge about the global carbon cycle and its ...

Dark beer has more iron than pale beer

A team of researchers from the University of Valladolid (Spain) has analysed 40 brands of beer, discovering that dark beer has more free iron than pale and non-alcoholic beers. Iron is essential to the human diet, but also ...

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