Probing for pollution at Mission 31

When Northeastern assistant professor Loretta Fernandez was a kid, she "wanted to be Jacques Cousteau" (her words, her emphasis). She wanted to live on The Calypso, the boat from which the legendary ocean explorer would set ...

Fungi clean oil-polluted soil

Fungi can be harnessed to clean polluted soil which cannot be cleaned using traditional composting. This was the finding of Erica Winquist, M.Sc. (Tech.), in her dissertation for Aalto University.

How tiny organisms make a big impact on clean water

Nearly every body of water, from a puddle or a pond to a vast ocean, contains microscopic organisms that live attached to rocks, plants, and animals. These so-called sessile suspension feeders are critical to aquatic ecosystems ...

Spinning CDs to clean sewage water

Audio CDs, all the rage in the '90s, seem increasingly obsolete in a world of MP3 files and iPods, leaving many music lovers with the question of what to do with their extensive compact disk collections. While you could turn ...

Using heat to beat toxins

Researchers have developed a promising way to cleanse the environment of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) – some of the most insidious toxins known to humans.

Empa helps to expand the Stockholm Convention POP list

The flame retardant HBCD may no longer be produced or used. This was decided by representatives from over 160 countries in late May at a UN conference on chemicals in Geneva. Empa's extensive research on HBCD, formerly used ...

Research shows promise for reducing greenhouse gases

University of Calgary scientists are investigating how 'Alberta-grown' biomass – such as straw and wood left over from agricultural and forestry operations – could be used to clean up chemical contaminants in water from ...

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