Related topics: cells

Cell death shines a light on the origins of complex life

Organelles continue to thrive after the cells within which they exist die, a team of University of Bristol scientists have found, overturning previous assumptions that organelles decay too quickly to be fossilized.

Scientists pioneer new method of measuring electricity in cells

Electricity is a key ingredient in living bodies. We know that voltage differences are important in biological systems; they drive the beating of the heart and allow neurons to communicate with one another. But for decades, ...

Super-resolution 'street view' microscopy hits the SPOT

The ability to "see" the inner workings of structures (organelles) within cells, in real time, offers the promise of advancements in disease diagnosis and treatment. Organelle dynamics drive the self-efficient micro-world ...

Researchers create artificial cell organelles for biotechnology

Biotechnologists have been attempting to reprogram natural cell organelles for other processes for some time—with mixed results, since the laboratory equipment is specialized on the function of organelles. Dr. Joanna Tripp, ...

Uncontrolled molecule sparks rare liver cancer

Since humans first controlled fire, they have camped around it to circulate information, signaling each other when something approaches. Metaphorically, certain molecules have been carrying information around our cells to ...

Specialized cellular compartments discovered in bacteria

Researchers at McGill University have discovered bacterial organelles involved in gene expression, suggesting that bacteria may not be as simple as once thought. This finding could offer new targets for the development of ...

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